Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
(Dr Seuss)
The staff and Governors of St Cuthbert’s offer their heartfelt congratulations to all our Year 13 Class of 2023 on their commitment over the last two, incredibly challenging, years. For the majority, this summer’s examinations were the first external assessments taken. It is a tremendous achievement.
We are delighted that many of our students have achieved the grades required for their first or second choice university. Places to read subjects such as mechanical engineering and civil engineering, medicine. pharmacy and mathematics, have been successfully secured. Many students have successfully secured places on a wide range of highly competitive courses. From accountancy to architecture, computer science to physics, from urban planning to journalism and zoology.
A number of our students are moving on to higher level apprenticeships with a vast array of providers including Rolls Royce and PWC.
Commenting on the 2023 results, Mrs Garay, Assistant Head of Sixth Form, said: "this cohort have had many challenges to overcome as a result of Covid, in a climate where grade boundaries have risen and there is more competition for university places, our young men have shown real character and commitment, we could not be prouder of them"
We are so very proud of these fine young men who are ready for the next stage of their educational journey whatever that may be. The resilience they have shown under such conditions is remarkable. They are all exceptional, talented, and inspiring young men. We offer them our prayers and best wishes as they step out into the world beyond St Cuthbert’s.