Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881
A Catholic education for boys of all faiths and none
Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881
This section of our website contains the statutory policies and procedures for St Cuthbert's Catholic High School.
Parents (and prospective parents) are asked to contact the School Office on 0191 274 4510 or [email protected] if they would like to receive copies of any of the policies or procedures, which appear in the following list and are not available online.
St Cuthbert's Catholic High School is member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust (BBCET). The Trust's policies and procedures can be found on the BBCET website.
Information on Executive Pay, The Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust's Annual Accounts, and the Trust's Statutory documents including the Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation, can be accessed here.
Paper copies of our policies and procedures will be provided upon request. Please contact the school office if you require a paper copy.
The following public examination policies are set out and required by JCQ.
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011; it was allocated to children from low-income families who were known to be eligible for Free School Meals and children who have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months, and other target groups.
St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School received a total of £372,750.00 in the academic year 2024-2025, to support the education of these boys.
Nationally children from low income families often do not progress in their education as quickly as other groups. The funding is spent on a number of initiatives to ensure that these pupils are able to make the same excellent progress as the rest of their peers.
It is up to schools to decide how they spend the pupil premium. However, we have a responsibility as to how this funding is used to support the educational progress of the target groups. Owing to the importance of this area you will notice that the school spends more on this allocation than the specific targeted funding.
St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, Gretna Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PX
St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School is a proud member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. The Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company Registration No. 7841435.