Our Advent Carol Service this year took place on Wednesday 21st December 2022 in the Cathedral Church of St Mary, Newcastle upon Tyne. At the beginning of our service Louis on cello and Daniel on piano played a moving instrumental version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel based on the music of The Piano Guys.
The boys led us in prayer, reading and song. The quality of singing, playing and reading was highly praised by members of the congregation. One member of the congregation who joined us said 'Fantastic Carol Service' and another said 'it was the best carol service I have ever been to - thank you'.
Thanks to all involved in the service. Thanks to Miss Peacock for the organising the readers. Thanks to Mr Anderson and Mrs Liu for the musicians and singers. Thanks to Canon Simon, Fr William, and the Cathedral Community for their hospitality. Thanks to the boys for their talent, enthusiasm, and commitment.
Above all, thanks to the many friends, family and supporters of the school who joined us in prayer and song.
May God made visible in Jesus, open you to all love, protect you from all evil and be ever near you bringing you happiness and peace.
Wishing you a happy and holy Christmas from all at St Cuthbert's.