On Thursday 10th October 2024, Fr Mariadass celebrated Holy Mass for and with our Year 7 pupils and their families.
In the first reading we heard about the call of the prophet Samuel and in the Gospel we heard of Jesus' instruction to the disciples to 'put out into the deep'.
In his homily Fr Mariadass encouraged the boys to 'put out into the deep' of the school community. The boys read very well as we heard the Bidding Prayer in various different languages, reflecting the many different home languages in our school.
The boys sang our recessional hymn with great gusto, echoing the words of Samuel and the call of the disciples 'Here I am Lord, is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.'
Thanks to Fr Mariadass, the readers, musicians, altar servers, and all who made this such a wonderful celebration.