Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King:
peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"
On Wednesday 18th December 2024, we celebrated our Advent Carol Service at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral. The boys were in fine voice. The service was a powerful and prayerful celebration.
One member of the congregation described the celebration as 'a wonderful way to begin Christmas' another said 'The carol service was simply beautiful'.
Thanks are due to all involved in the preparation of our Advent Carol Service. Thanks to Miss Peacock for organising the readers, and for singing so beautifully. Thanks to Mr Anderson and Mr Proudlock for the musicians and singers. Thanks to Canon Simon, Fr William, Deacon Paddy, and the Cathedral Community for their hospitality. Thanks also to Canon Peter for celebrating with us. Thanks to the boys for their talent, their enthusiasm, and their commitment. Above all, thanks to all those who joined us in prayers and song.