On Thursday 17th March St Cuthbert's welcomed former staff, alumni, pupils, staff and families to celebrate 140 years of Catholic education in our incredible school with Mass in the Main Hall.
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Robert Byrne CO was the principle celebrant alongside a number of Diocesan clergy, including, Canon Simon Lerche, Canon Peter Leighton VG, Canon Jeff Dodds, Mgr. Andrew Faley, Fr. Adrian Dixon, Fr. Sean Hall, Fr. Michael Humble, Fr. Martin Morris, Fr. Mariadass, Fr. Ulaganathan, Fr. Jonathon Bowes, Fr. Shaun O’Neill, Fr. William Nichol and Fr. Jim Dunne.
Fr Jim, an old boy, former governor and the last priest to teach at the school gave the homily. He regaled the congregation with tales of the school's rich history starting from it's humble beginnings at 62-64 Westmorland Road in 1881, having been opened by the Rt. Rev. Bishop James Chadwick to the vibrant, multicultural school that exists today serving it's diverse community.
The highlight of the Mass was when Bishop Robert blessed the icon of Christ the Teacher. This icon was created by Sister Mary Stella of Hyning Monastery. It was commissioned to give thanks to God for 140 years of Catholic education at St Cuthbert's and is based on the traditional Christ Pantocrator with Christ the Teacher surrounded by the apostles, peoples of different races, genders and ages and includes St Cuthbert.
Other highlights of the Mass included: the Litany of Saints sung beautifully by Cantor Euan Bell (Year 11); Bidding Prayers being said in English alongside French, Malayalam, Mandarin, Ukrainian, Polish and Spanish, to represent the many home languages of our pupils; and a reading of the hymn 'For St Cuthbert' which was written by Mgr. Kevin Nichols (1938-2006) who was an old boy of the school and priest of our Diocese.
Following the Mass refreshments were served in our recently refurbished Sixth Form Common Room and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces back at school. We look forward to hosting more events in the future.
Thank you to all staff and pupils involved in the Mass, particularly the musicians, readers and altar servers.
Quies in Caelo