Correspondence from Newcastle City Council
The link below is a letter from Newcastle City Council summarising any changes from the 19th July
Step 4 Guidance for End of Term letter to Parents and Carers.pdf
Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881
A Catholic education for boys of all faiths and none
Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881
The link below is a letter from Newcastle City Council summarising any changes from the 19th July
Step 4 Guidance for End of Term letter to Parents and Carers.pdf
St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, Gretna Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PX
St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School is a proud member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. The Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company Registration No. 7841435. www.bishopbewickcet.org